- 皮层振荡(cortical oscillations)或神经振荡(Neural oscillations)在某种认知 功能中扮演什么样的作用?某种频段中的神经振荡能够反映(对应)认知或行为活动中的表现吗?
- 某个脑区在某种认知活动中的激活与某个频段的特征有什么关系?Relationship between activation and oscillation feature.
- 认知功能的改善对应频段的什么变化?频段特征变化之后认知功能
- α波:频率分布为8-13HZ,主要包含两个波段,μ1(8-10HZ)和μ2(10-13HZ),振幅约为20-100μV,在枕页及顶叶候补α波最显著。
- β波:频率在(13-30HZ)包含两个波段β1(13-20HZ),β2(20-30HZ),振幅约为5-20μV,主要出现在额叶。
- θ波:频率在4-7HZ,振幅约为100-150μV,在困倦时出现,是中枢神经系统抑制的表现。
- δ波:频率在0.5-3.5HZ,振幅约为0-200μV,只出现在睡眠,深度麻醉,缺氧或大脑病变时出现。
按照清醒(α, β,)和睡眠(θ,δ)可以分为两类。
常见特征(EEG signal features)
- 睡眠质量评估的4种基于EEG的实验范式:
Active Visual Oddball
常见单试次(single trial)EEG范式
- Quality of evidence for perceptual decision making is indexed by trial-to-trial variability of the EEG.
- Ertl, M., et al. (2013). “Emotion regulation by cognitive reappraisal—the role of frontal theta oscillations.” NeuroImage 81: 412-421.
- Li, X., et al. (2017). “The impact of mood on empathy for pain: Evidence from an EEG study.” Psychophysiology 54(9): 1311-1322.
- Methods of EEG Signal Features Extraction Using Linear Analysis in Frequency and Time-Frequency Domains
- Selection of relevant features for EEG signal classification of schizophrenic patients
- Towards the utlization of EEG as a brain imaging tool
- Hu, L., & Zhang, Z. (Eds.). (2019). EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction. Springer Singapore.
- PLV综述 van Diepen, R. M., & Mazaheri, A. (2018). The caveats of observing inter-trial phase-coherence in cognitive neuroscience. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-9.
实证研究 (suggested by Professor Hu Li)
- An oscillartory mechanism for prioritizing salient unattended stimuli
- Low-frequency neuronal oscillations as instruments of sensory selection
- Coordination of high gamma activity in anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortical areas during adaptation
- Voloh, B., Valiante, T. A., Everling, S., & Womelsdorf, T. (2015). Theta–gamma coordination between anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex indexes correct attention shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(27), 8457-8462.
- Spontaneous fluctuations in posterior a-band eeg activity reflect variablity in excitability of human visual areas
- The functional significance of mu rhythms: translating “seing” and “hearing” into “doing”
- Oscillatory activity reflects the excitability of the human somatosensory system
- Pre-stimulus alpha rhythms are correlated with post-stimulus sensorimotor performance in athletes and non-athletes: a high resolution EEG study
- New vistas for a-frequency band oscillations
- Neural oscillations involved in self-referential processing 10 Fluctuations of prestimulus oscillartory power predict subjective perception of tactile simultaneity
- Neuronal gamma-band synchronization as a fundamental process in cortical computation
- Ploner, M., Sorg, C., & Gross, J. (2017). Brain rhythms of pain. Trends in cognitive sciences, 21(2), 100-110.