情绪意识 (emotional or mood awareness)

  1. The ability to consciously aware of emotions 能够意识到自己产生了情绪
  2. Multidimensional. For example, Gal Sheppes and Gross proposes that “Examples of prototypical abilities that relate to adequate representation of one’s emotional state and the regulatory state include the attention to the emotion component in emotional awareness (Coffey et al. 2003, Gohm & Clore 2000, Salovey & Meyer 1990), interoceptive awareness of bodily changes related to emotion and regulation (Fust ¨ os et al. 2013), ¨ differentiation between emotions (Barrett et al. 2001, Kashdan et al. 2014, Lindquist & Barrett 2008), and acquisition of emotional clarity (Gratz & Roemer 2004).”
  3. Swinkels et al (1995)以及 Coffey et al. 2003中提出,情绪意识至少包括两个独立的成分:attention to emotion and clarity of emotion.
    • 特质性和状态性。情绪意识一般被认为是一种认知能力,体现了个体对情绪加工的特质;但情绪意识也可以在实验室中通过实验条件来进行操纵(如增强或减弱,乃至进行专门训练)。

Components or Levels


1. Attention to emotion

  1. Attention to emotion应为对自身情绪状态的注意。注意,有研究者提出Affect-biased attention,其是对外在情绪刺激的注意(Todd et al., 2012)。 2.

2. 情绪分化(Emotion differentiation)或情绪粒度(emotional granularity)

  1. 由来。加拿大心理学家布里奇斯(K.M.B.Bridges)首先提出了情绪分化的概念。他通过对多个婴儿的观察,他认为,出生婴儿只有未分化的一般性激动,只有皱眉和哭的反应,是强烈刺激引起的内脏和肌肉的反应。3个月后分化为快乐和痛苦,6个月后分化为愤怒、厌恶、惧怕,12个月后分化为高兴和亲爱,18个月后分化出欢乐和妒忌 (Bridges, 1932).

  2. 国内心理学家林传鼎也提出儿童的情绪发展需要经历泛化,分化到系统化三个不同的阶段,并且提出了不同阶段所对应的神经机制。

  3. 情绪分化从纵向发展的角度来看,个体间具有明显的年龄差异,尤其在儿童阶段;从横向角度来看,一般指个体对自己情绪的分类能力。

  4. Emotion differentiation (ED) or emotional granularity refers to the degree to which individuals differentiate their emotions (Barrett, Gross, Christensen, & Benvenuto, 2001).
  5. 高情绪分化的个体,其不同情绪的体验之间(如不同的消极或积极情绪)相关性较低;而低情绪分化的个体,其不同的消极或积极情绪之间的相关性就较高。这表明,低情绪分化的个体在某些时间内,不能够区分出具体的情绪感受,而是笼统地用愉快或不愉快的情绪语言来反映他们的感受 (Barrett,Gross,Christensen, Benvenuto, 2001)。

  6. 情绪分化与情绪调节的关系。Barrett, L. F., et al. (2001). “Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation.” Cognition & Emotion 15(6): 713-724.

  7. 情绪分化与主观幸福观的关系。Lennarz, H. K., et al. (2018). “Emotion differentiation and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents.” Cognition and Emotion 32(3): 651-657.

Cognitive-developmental theory of emotional awareness

Lane, R. D. , & Schwartz, G. E. . (1987). Levels of emotional awareness: a cognitive-developmental theory and its application to psychopathology. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144(2), 133-43.


根据情绪意识的对象,可以把情绪意识分为两大类: 1. 自我情绪意识(self emotional awareness). 自我情绪意识,可以分为自我觉知/意识(awareness)的子概念。 2. 对他人的情绪意识(移情或共情能力)

自我意识 (self awareness)

1. 自我意识情绪(self-conscious emotion)或自我评价情绪(self-evaluative emotion)

  • 需要区分自我意识情绪与自我情绪意识。自我意识情绪是通过自我反思产生的情绪感受,包括内疚,尴尬,害羞,嫉妒等一系列涉及自我的高级情绪;自我情绪意识则是更加宽泛的概念,泛指个体对自我情绪状态(相对于他人情绪)的意识,既包括对基本情绪的意识(如我很生气),也包括对涉及自我这样的高级情绪的意识(如我感到羡慕嫉妒恨)。前者必定属于后者,但后者不一定属于前者。
  • 马惠霞, 刘慧芳, 翟永芳, & 李桂芳. (2019). 《青少年自我意识情绪测验》的修订及信度效度验证. 心理与行为研究, 17(2).
  • 冯晓杭, & 张向葵. (2007). 自我意识情绪:人类高级情绪. 心理科学进展, 15(006), 878-884.
  • 徐琴美, & 张晓贤. (2003). 儿童自我意识情绪的发展. 心理科学(6).
  • 俞国良, & 赵军燕. (2009). 自我意识情绪:聚焦于自我的道德情绪研究. 心理发展与教育, 025(002), 116-120.

2. 自我情绪意识


  1. Concept
    • Stable individual difference construct (knowledge, skill and ablitiy/ personality; Sackett et al., 2017): e.g., emotional differentiation, habitual use of reappraisal, neuroticism
    • Transient construct: e.g., emotional elicitation, reappraisal processes
  2. Measure.
    • 常见的测量方法。Performance-based or self-report direct measures VS indirect measures
    • 报告方法。在自己论文中,要写清楚该概念的经典测量方法是什么。例如As emotional clarity is a dimension underlying alexithymia and emotional intelligence, emotional clarity is most often assessed by self-report questionnaires that measure alexithymia and emotional intelligence, such as the BermonVorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (Vorst & Bermond, 2001), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby, Parker & Taylor, 1994), and Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey et al., 1995).
  3. Association. 首先,应该搞清楚该概念与个体主观幸福感(积极)以及与心理疾病(消极)的关系。
  4. Factors。有哪些影响因素?


  1. Bridges, K. M. B. (1932). Emotional development in early infancy. Child development, 324-341.
  2. Berking, M., & Whitley, B. (2014). The adaptive coping with emotions model (ACE model). In Affect regulation training (pp. 19-29). Springer, New York, NY.
  3. Boden, M. T., et al. (2013). “Are emotional clarity and emotion differentiation related?” Cognition & Emotion 27(6): 961-978.
  4. Sackett, P. R., Lievens, F., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Kuncel, N. R. (2017). Individual differences and their measurement: A review of 100 years of research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 254.
  5. Coffey, E., Berenbaum, H., & Kerns, J. G. (2003). The dimensions of emotional intelligence, alexithymia, mood awareness: associations with personality and performance on an emotional stroop task. Cognition & Emotion, 17, 671–679.
  6. Sheppes, G., et al. (2015). “Emotion regulation and psychopathology.” Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 11: 379-405.
  7. Todd, R. M., et al. (2012). “Affect-biased attention as emotion regulation.” Trends Cogn Sci 16(7): 365-372.
  8. Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1995). The measurement and conceptualization of mood awareness: Monitoring and labeling one’s mood states. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 21(9), 934-949.
  9. 邓欢, 江琦, & 冯淑丹. (2013). 让情绪进入觉知之光:情绪意识及相关研究. 教育生物学杂志(03), 208-213.