What is social emotion compentence?

  1. Social and emotional competence is the ability to interact with others, regulate one’s own emotions and behavior, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Children who are socially and emotionally competent have (Center for the Study of Social Policy, 2013):
    • Healthy self-esteem
    • Self-confidence
    • Self-efficacy
    • Self-control
    • Personal agency
    • Patience
    • Persistence
    • Conflict resolution skills
    • Communication skills
    • Empathy
    • Social skills
    • Morality

How: social and emotional learning (SEL)

  1. Children
  2. Families
  3. Teacher
  4. Society


  1. Riggs, N. R., Greenberg, M. T., Kusché, C. A., & Pentz, M. A. (2006). The mediational role of neurocognition in the behavioral outcomes of a social-emotional prevention program in elementary school students: Effects of the PATHS curriculum. Prevention Science, 7(1), 91-102.
  2. https://www.virtuallabschool.org/preschool/child-abuse-prevention/lesson-3
  3. Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved from https://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/
  4. Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Resources available from www.vanderbilt.edu/csefel
  5. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. (n.d.). Tampa: University of South Florida. Retrieved from http://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/
  6. Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies PATH儿童培训项目