12-11 号 罗跃嘉-李红-郑文明

罗跃嘉老师 情绪与执行功能的认知神经基础



  • 李红/深圳大学 教授/深圳大学心理与社会学院人才引进计划
  • 谭力海教授,国家973项目负责人。语言学方向的大牛。

12-12号 李鸣老师报告

  • 什么是心理学?一门致力于破解脑-行为关系的学科。
  • 心理学使用多学科的方法研究“行为变量”(基因学,解剖像,化学,生理学,内分泌学和药理学)。
  • 例如,就人们为什么吸烟这一问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行研究:
    • Psychological explanations: reducing anxiety, enhancing attention and memory, etc.
    • Neuroanatomical explanations: activation of the mesolimbic system
    • Neurochemical explanations: nicotinic receptors abound in the reward system
    • Genetic explanations: abnormality of a dopamine transporter gene SLC6A3-9 (?)
    • Electrophysiological explanations: Midbrain DA neuron burst firing is facilitated by nicotine
    • Pharmacological approach: nicotine patch
  • 五个基本原则(理念)
    1. Mind and brain are inseparable (the brain hypothesis)
    2. Each mental function in the brain is carried out by specialized neural circuits in different regions of the brain (定位说的理念, see Krakauer 2017 Figure1).
    3. The nerve cells are the basic unit of the brain (the neuron hypothesis), and the neural circuits use specific molecules to generate signals within and between nerve cells.
    4. Neuroplasticity: Behavior Can Change the Brain (神经可塑性,这一条自己加的). 3中提到的神经元细胞和突触都是可塑的。
    5. These specific signaling molecules have been conserved through millions of years of evolution (进化学的观点).
  • Three Main Approaches Relate Brain and Behavior
    1. Somatic intervention–alteration of a structure or function to see how behavior is altered
    2. Behavioral intervention–intervention in a behavior to see how structure or function is altered
    3. Correlation measures how much a body measure varies with a behavioral measure–but correlation does not imply causation.

12-19号 邱江老师报告

  • 所有的文章(origianal research article)的意义都可以用一句话来总结。非常重要的能力!