Cognitive auatomatation
- Hagger, M. S. and A. Luszczynska (2014). “Implementation intention and action planning interventions in health contexts: state of the research and proposals for the way forward.” Appl Psychol Health Well Being 6(1): 1-47.
- Poldrack, R. A., et al. (2005). “The neural correlates of motor skill automaticity.” Journal of Neuroscience 25(22): 5356-5364.
- Spunt, R. P. and M. D. Lieberman (2014). Automaticity, control, and the social brain. Dual process theories of the social mind: 279-298.
- Mohr, H., et al. (2016). “Integration and segregation of large-scale brain networks during short-term task automatization.” Nature Communications 7: 13217.
- Title: Three-year outcomes for maintenance therapies in recurrent depression
- Frank E, Kupfer DJ, Perel JM, Cornes C, Jarrett DB, Mallinger AG, Thase ME, McEachran AB, Grochocinski VJ
Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990
- Frank的这篇文章主要关注IPT的“剂量”问题。
- 这一研究持续3年,对具有严重复发倾向的抑郁患者持续使用丙咪嗪(一种抗抑郁药)和IPT疗法。
- 他们原始的研究中,对复发抑郁患者使用了有史以来最高剂量的药量(imipramine at 200 mg)和最低频率的IPT。
- 在这一新的研究中,他们想要探讨增加IPT的使用频率是否能够增加治疗的预防作用。
- 被试间实验,将恢复期的女性根据IPT的治疗频率进行分组:每周,每月两次,每月一次。
- 然而,结果表明,对于又吃药又进行IPT的被试而言,不同频率组间差异并不显著!
- 只有单独进行IPT的女性,发现每月一次疗效可以。The good news is that monthly IPT alone can maintain remission for 2 years in the majority of women who are able to achieve remission on it during the acute phase.
study 1
- title:Positive Affect Stimulation and Sustainment (PASS) Module for Depressed Mood: A preliminary investigation of treatmentrelated effects
- authors:Dana L. McMakina, Greg J. Siegleb, and Stephen R. Shirkc
study 2
- title:Imagining a brighter future: The effect of positive imagery training on mood, prospective mental imagery and emotional bias in older adults
- authors:Susannah E. Murphy a,n, M. Clare O’Donoghue a, Erin H.S. Drazich a, Simon E. Blackwell b, Anna Christina Nobre a, Emily A. Holmes b, *
自我控制和个体成长 Mischel, W., et al. (2011). “‘Willpower’over the life span: decomposing self-regulation.” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 6(2): 252-256.
- 自我控制会损耗葡萄糖 Gailliot, M. T., et al. (2007). “Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: willpower is more than a metaphor.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92(2): 325.
- 高低情绪调控信念个体在情绪任务中表现没有差异,但是低信念群体的血糖降低了,高信念群体的血糖则没有变化。如果将血糖视为认知资源损耗的一个marker(Gailliot 2007),该研究的发现表明,高信念群体相比低信念群体,能够以更低的认知代价取得一样的调节效果。 Niven, K., et al. (2013). “Achieving the same for less: improving mood depletes blood glucose for people with poor (but not good) emotion control.” Cognition & Emotion 27(1): 133-140.
情绪信念(emotion beliefs
what are emotion beliefs?
- Ford, B. Q., & Gross, J. J. (2019). Why beliefs about emotion matter: An emotion-regulation perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(1), 74-81.
How to measure emotion beliefs
- Veilleux, J. C., et al. (2015). “Multidimensional assessment of beliefs about emotion: Development and validation of the emotion and regulation beliefs scale.” Assessment 22(1): 86-100.
The links between emotion beliefs and a wide range of emotional, interpersonal, and clinical outcomes.
Spokas, M., et al. (2009). “Social anxiety and emotional suppression: the mediating role of beliefs.” Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 40(2): 283-291.
Gutentag, T., et al. (2017). “Successful emotion regulation requires both conviction and skill: beliefs about the controllability of emotions, reappraisal, and regulation success.” Cognition and Emotion 31(6): 1225-1233.
Goodman, Kashdan, İmamoğlu (2020) Valuing emotional control in social anxiety disorder: A multimethod study of emotion beliefs and emotion regulation. Emotion (Washington, D.C.) ()
激励理论(Incentive theory)
title: Dissociable Contributions of the Human Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortex to Incentive Motivation and Goal Selection
- 激励理论(Incentive theory)认为人们的行为受强化和诱因的驱动。
- Incentive theory, unlike other theories like Drive Reduction theory, Arousal Theory and Instinct Theory of Motivation, suggest that our actions are influenced by outside incentives. It is different as the individual does not desire to reduce the stimulus, but instead becomes attracted to it.
- 操作性条件作用揭示了人们通过获得奖赏或者逃避惩罚来学习行为。激励理论和其非常类型,认为是奖赏驱动了我们的行动。
- 一般有两种激励:积极的(表扬),或消极的(批评)。
- 当个体面对多个具有吸引力的商品时,大脑必须先把商品的激励价值进行定义,然后比较激励价值的大小,以便决定个体后续的行为。
- 本研究表明,虽然杏仁核和OFC都参与了这一过程,但是两者的作用并不一样。
*扩展阅读: Fernando, A. B. P., et al. (2013). “The amygdala: securing pleasure and avoiding pain.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7: 190.
Emotion Network Paper1 Kinnison et al., 2017
- 本文直接从认知神经科学的角度提出问题:过去几年脑网络的研究风生水起,但基本都集中在静息态研究中。目前任务态下脑网络属性的研究很少,这限制了人们对于脑网络的理解。
- 例如,dmPFC,前脑岛(anterior insula,AI),BNST和thalamus参与威胁信息的加工;而奖赏信息,除了这些脑区,还涉及腹侧和背侧纹状体。然而目前对于威胁和奖赏信息如何影响这些脑区的交互作用还鲜有人知。
- 当前的研究使用动机或情绪的线索(cues)来构建迷你状态(mini-states),研究这一阶段中脑网络属性的变化。
- 情绪任务中,线索为威胁或安全信息;奖赏任务中,线索为奖赏或控制信息。目标刺激呈现时都让被试进行一个反应-冲突任务(response-conflict task)。
- 在反应冲突任务中,要求被试判断图片的内容是房子还是建筑物(house or building),并且忽略图片上的字体。
- 分析1:个体分析,组分析和ROI分析。激活分析关注的就是从线索呈现后5-7s的时间段。进行组分析的主要目的是得到感兴趣对比的激活点;然后以激活的peak点坐标为中心点,制作半径为5mm的ROI,做为后续脑网络分析的节点。
- 分析2(关键):Trial by trial responses分析(Rissman et al., 2004)。跟正常的个体分析一样,每个被试构建一个GLM设计矩阵,但是每个正确试次的线索刺激模拟为一个独立的事件。目标刺激则用一般的方法将一个条件模拟为一个事件。相比一般的GLM个体分析,这样做的优点在于可以得到不同脑区在实验任务不同时间阶段的功能连接,而前者只能得到不同脑区某个条件的功能连接,损失了时间信息。分析2的目的在于利用trial by trial functional connectivity分析得到脑网络的边,这是本研究的核心所在。
- 操作性检验:相关分析。由于线索和目标刺激之间的间隔没有都超过4s(情绪任务1.75-5.75,动机2-6s),所以作者在对情绪和动机两个数据集的分析1和分析2中,都对线索和目标刺激的协变量进行了相关分析。分析1两个数据集的相关结果表明相关都比较弱(情绪0.34,动机0.37),说明线索和目标刺激可以独立进行估计分析。分析2中的第二次相关分析则发现任何一个单独试次的协变量和目标刺激的协变量之间的相关程度较低(<0.2),表明单个刺激的分析是有意义的。
- 脑网络构建(network construction)。如分析1和分析2所述,节点和边的操作性定义已经确定。边的定义注意两件事,第一这里没有使用一般的皮尔逊相关,而是用了robust回归的方法,这样可以避免极值的影响;第二,本文将负相关,或者说负边的权重设置为了零。这是因为许多网络的测量手段不能处理负值权重,一个常见的方法是将正和负的网络分开处理,或者直接忽略负边。在本研究中,负边的意义不明确,而且负边的总量较少,组分析中没有发现负边,所以采用的第二种办法。
- 脑网络分析(network analysis)。这部分主要介绍一些脑网络的分析指标,也就是因变量。
- 统计检验(statistical tests)。对这些因变量指标进行什么样的统计分析。因为不知道moudularity,global efficiency,mean edge weight, within community和between community这些指标是否符合正态分布,所以为了进行显著性检验,这些值通过Wilconxon’s signed-rank test(威尔科克森符号秩检验)来相互比较。作者还对脑网络内不同的边(只有不同群落的之间的边,不是所有ROI2ROI的边都采用了)的连接强度进行了统计检验。情绪检验有60个边,也就是60次检验;动机数据里有117个边,对应117次检验。因为统计次数很多,作者使用了FDR的方法进行多重检验矫正。
- Kinnison, J., Padmala, S., Choi, J.-M., & Pessoa, L. (2012). Network analysis reveals increased integration during emotional and motivational processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(24), 8361–8372.
- Rissman, J., Gazzaley, A., & D’esposito, M. (2004). Measuring functional connectivity during distinct stages of a cognitive task. Neuroimage, 23(2), 752-763.
Reappraisal studies 2019
- Orvell, A., et al. (2019). “Linguistic Shifts: A Relatively Effortless Route to Emotion Regulation?” Current Directions in Psychological Science: 0963721419861411.
- Uusberg, A., et al. (2019). “Reappraising reappraisal.” Emotion Review 11(4): 267-282.
- Zhang, Y., et al. (2019). “Development of human emotion circuits investigated using a Big-Data analytic approach: Stability, reliability, and robustness.” Journal of Neuroscience: 0220-0219.
- Yih, J., et al. (2019). “Better together: a unified perspective on appraisal and emotion regulation.” Cognition and Emotion 33(1): 41-47.
Meta analysis
- Buhle, J. T., et al. (2014). “Cognitive reappraisal of emotion: a meta-analysis of human neuroimaging studies.” Cerebral Cortex 24(11): 2981-2990.
- Frank, D. W., et al. (2014). “Emotion regulation: quantitative meta-analysis of functional activation and deactivation.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 45: 202.
- Morawetz, C., Bode, S., Derntl, B., & Heekeren, H. R. (2017). The effect of strategies, goals and stimulus material on the neural mechanisms of emotion regulation: A meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 72, 111-128.
three generations through which research into new concepts or ideas tend to progress
1. The first generation question (Is question): Dose X affect or relate to Y? That is: Is there an affect or a phenomenon?
2. The second generation quetion (When quetion): Under what (often social) conditions does the effect hold? Or: When, in fact, is there a relation
between X and Y? These are basically questions designed to determine the boundary conditions of an effect?
3. Third-generation question (How question): What mediates the effect? Or: How can we characterize the psychological process(es) which mediate(s) the phenomennon of interest?
These are basically quetions of mediation, or process, which we would like to call “How” quetions.
4. Reference: Zanna, M. P. and R. H. Fazio (1982). The attitude-behavior relation: Moving toward a third generation of research. Consistency in social behavior: The Ontario symposium.
Detached reappraisal versus positive reappraisal
- 这个分类是以认知重评的方向(积极还是中性)来分
- The most commonly studied reappraisal substrategies are detached reappraisal and positive reappraisal (Shiota & Levenson, 2012), which are frequently used interchangeably (Moser, Krompinger, Dietz, & Simons, 2009; Paul, Simon, Kniesche, Kathmann, & Endrass, 2013; Thiruchselvam, Blechert, Sheppes, Rydstrom, & Gross, 2011).
- Detached reappraisal involves reinterpreting emotional stimuli in a detached and unemotional way
- Positive reappraisal does so in a positive way.
Self- and situation-focused reappraisal
- 这个分类是以认知重评关注的内外倾向来分,跟上一个分类比较类似。有的研究也把两个分类等同视之,即将self-focused reappraisal视为detached reappraisal,将situation-focused reappraisal视为positive reappraisal
- Self-focused reappraisal reinterpret one’s subjective relationship to a stimulus, for example by detaching or distancing oneself from the emotional context (Ayduk and Kross 2008; Davis et al. 2011; Liberman et al. 2002). For example, if I see blood, I will take the perspective of a physician
- Situation-focused reappraisal reinterpret the situational context of an emotionally charged situation in a constructive manner (Ochsner et al. 2002, 2004; Urry 2010). For example, if I see blood, I will think blood represents vitality and health.
- Qi, S., Li, Y., Tang, X., Zeng, Q., Diao, L., Li, X., … & Hu, W. (2017). The temporal dynamics of detached versus positive reappraisal: An ERP study. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 17(3), 516-527.
- Ma, B., et al. (2019). “Automatic self-focused and situation-focused reappraisal of disgusting emotion by implementation intention: an ERP study.” Cognitive Neurodynamics: 1-11.
- 价值观的定义有很多,不同文化背景下的研究学者根据不同理论观点和研究方法从不同角度对价值观定义。西方学者Rokeach认为价值观是一种持久的信念, 是一种具体的行为方式或存在的终极状态,具有动机功能,它不仅是评价性的还是规范性和禁止性的,指导人们的行动和态度;Kluckhohn认为价值观是一种外显或内隐的、关于什么是 “值得 的” 的看法,它是个人或群体的特征,影响人们对行为方式、手段和目标的选择。我国心理学工作者也对价值观进行了定义,黄希庭认为价值观是人们用来 区分好坏的标准,是指导行为的多维度多层次的心理倾向系统;许燕认为价值观是人们对事物及行为的意义、效用的评定标准,是推动并指引人们决策和采取行动的核心因素。
- 两种常见的价值观是享乐价值观(hedonic values)和成就价值观(achievemental values)。前者指个体受快乐原则的支配而建立的价值观,后者是个体受现实原则的支配而建立的价值观。