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## Biswal 1995
需要注意本文的题材是一篇communication,其行文思路和original study是不同的。这篇意义重大的研究之所以只发了一篇communication,是因为其意义太重大了,当时的审稿人接受不了,一直被拒,biswal后来没办法~~~~
Introduction. 作者首先说了静息状态下大脑的生理波动。按照频率高低(0.1 HZ),这些生理波动可以分为高频(呼吸、心跳)和低频信号。这篇communication研究低频信号(low-frequency fluctuations,LFF)。
本文主要发现 “We have discovered that low-frequency fluctuations in resting brain from regions of the primary sensory motor cortex that are associated with hand movement are strongly correlated both within and across hemispheres.” 大脑静息状态下的低频震荡(LFF)可以反映大脑脑区之间的功能连接(FC)
Figure1 a 把采集到的时域信号进行低通滤波,滤掉高频信号 b 傅立叶变化,时域到频域。可以看出主要的信号源位于低频频段。
- 低频信号来自哪里? Source of low-frequency fluctuations in functional MRI signal.
- Differences between physiological fluctuations of fmri and of EEG 从数据采集的本质上讲,BOLD FMRI采集的是血氧信号,EEG/ERP采集的是电信号。这些信号可以通过傅立叶变换从时域转换到频域上,从而将原始信号分解。分解后的信号可以分为两类,of interest (task or resting-brain related) and of no interest (respiration, heart rate and head motion)
- 静息态LFF的指标计算